Apple Device Management - Requesting Administrator Privileges



With the Privileges app for macOS, you will be able to elevate your account to have administrator access. This is the approved method for standard user accounts to be granted administrator permissions on your Apple workstation. This method has been reviewed and approved by Texas A&M Technology Services and is deemed secure and is intended to remove permission barriers quickly and securely without requiring you to engage IT for assistance when prompted for administrator credentials. Administrator privileges should always be used for university business purposes and leveraged only when necessary. 


When admin rights are needed, you can request them by searching for the Privileges app or clicking on the green Privileges lock icon in your dock.

Privileges App Icon - Standard User

You will be presented with the following screen:

Privileges App scroon asking is you would like to request administrator privileges.

When you select “Request privileges,” the dock icon will switch to a yellow unlocked padlock to indicate you are temporarily elevated to admin privileges for 15 minutes.

Privileges App icon - Administrative user.

Another way to quickly elevate your permissions is via the Support Hub tool. Clicking the "Request Admin” button will trigger the Privileges app to alternate your status. The displayed status is the current level of your account.

Support hub screenshot showing the Request Admin option highlighted.



Article ID: 428
Thu 5/2/24 10:58 AM
Wed 6/26/24 1:02 PM

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