Requesting and Deleting a Shared Forwading Email Address



A Shared Forwarding Email Address are used to provide a stable, long term account that is tied to a position, a role, or an organization within Texas A&M University. This prevents confusion when individuals filling a position, performing a role, or belonging to an organization change positions, roles, or organizations.

An example of a Shared Forwarding Email Address would be The Help Desk Central organization is comprised of many individuals. If you need assistance from Help Desk Central, you can send an email to the organizational account without needing to know the email address of a specific individual within that organization.

Requesting a Shared Forwarding Email Address

A Shared Forwarding Email address can only be requested by faculty and staff employees. To request a Shared Forwarding Email Address, you must fill out a Shared Forwarding Email Address request form. The following fields of the form are mandatory, and your request will not be processed without them being completed:

  • Department Name - The name of the department making the request
  • Primary Email Alias - The published email address for this account
  • Account Display Name - The common name for this account displayed in the public contact directory
  • Primary Owner NetID - The NetID of the primary owner of this account
  • Delivery Address - The email address where this account forwards email

In addition to the above required fields, the following fields are optional:

  • Role Website - The URL of a web page related to this account, if there is one
  • Alternate Contact Email Address - A secondary email address to receive notifications related to this account
  • Do not publish in white pages directory - If selected, prevents this account form appearing in the public contact directory

Deleting a Shared Forwarding Email Address

Send an email to requesting that the Shared Forwarding Email Address be deleted.



Article ID: 521
Thu 5/2/24 11:02 AM
Mon 2/3/25 12:46 PM

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