Using Standard Centrex Features


  1. Ringing Tones
  2. Flash/Tap Button
  3. Emergency Calling
  4. Hold/Park
  5. Project/Account Code
  6. Call Pick-up
  7. Camp - On Busy With Call Back
  8. Call Forward - All Calls
  9. Call Forward - Forward On Busy
  10. Call Forward - Forward On No Answer
  11. Hunt Group - Forward All Calls
  12. Conference Calls
  13. Authorization Codes
  14. Originator Controlled Conference - Up to Six Participants


Ringing Tones: Provides distinctive rings to distinguish between types of calls.


Flash/Tap Button: This is the 'hang-up' button. Pressing it signals the Centrex system that you intend to use some special features.

  • While on a call, Flash/Tap followed by another number transfers the call to the other number.
  • If you do not hang up, and Flash/Tap again, you will have a three-party conference.
  • If you dial *1, you will have parked your call on the line you are using.
  • To get it back, get dial tone and dial #1.


Emergency Calling: 911 will connect you with Brazos County 911 who in turn will direct your call to the appropriate department.


Hold/Park: Calls can be placed on hold and transferred to another extension.

To PARK a call on the number you are using:

    1. FLASH/TAP
    2. "FLASH" Stutter Tone
    3. *
    4. 1
    5. Confirmation Tone
    6. Hang Up

To RETRIEVE a call from that same number:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. #
    3. 1
    4. The call will be reconnected to you.     

To PARK your call on another number:

    1. FLASH/TAP
    2. "FLASH" Stutter tone
    3. *
    4. 2
    5. n-nnnn (five-digit telephone number)
    6. Confirmation Tone
    7. Hang Up

To RETRIEVE a call parked on another number:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. #
    3. 2
    4. n-nnnn (The five-digit telephone number on which it is parked. You may do this from any administrative line on campus.)


Project/Account Code: Before you make a call, you may want to identify that call for billing purposes. You may do so by prefacing the call with the Project/Account Code (#5 and a seven-digit number). The bill statement sent to your department each month will identify that call with the seven-digit Project/Account Code you have used. It does not bill the call to another account, but only identifies it.

  1. Dial Tone
  2. #
  3. 5
  4. Confirmation Tone
  5. nnn-nnnn (any seven-digit number*)
  6. Confirmation Tone
  7. Dial number as usual (9 + Area Code + Number)


*The item on your monthly bill will be identified by this seven-digit code.


Call Pick-Up: Allows a user to answer incoming calls for other phone numbers within a group. Note: The previous Centrex allowed you to answer any call in six associated groups by dialing **6. This Centrex does not work this way.

To answer any call in your specific PICK group:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. *
    3. 61
    4. The first ringing call will be transferred to your line

To answer a call in any one of the four associated groups:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. *61 for a first associated group
    3. *62 for a second
    4. *63 for a third
    5. *64 for a fourth

To answer a specific telephone number:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. #
    3. 6 x
    4. nnn-nnnn (that specific telephone number)


Camp - On Busy With Call Back: When you dial a number that is busy and would like to complete that call as soon as possible, use this feature to be called as soon as the other party hangs up.

To Camp-On:

    1. FLASH/TAP
    2. "FLASH" Stutter Tone
    3. *
    4. 7
    5. Confirmation Stutter Tone
    6. Hang Up
    7. If you receive a "Busy" signal while attempting a Camp-On, the line you are trying to reach is already camped on.

To cancel Camp-On:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. #
    3. 7
    4. Confirmation Stutter Tone


Call Forward - All Calls: Allows all calls to be automatically forwarded to a designated telephone number.

To program:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 3
    5. 9+nnn-nnnn#... (For on-campus numbers, you can use 5-digit dialing. See Dialing Instructions.)
    6. Confirmation Tone

To activate:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 1
    5. Confirmation Tone

To deactivate:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 2
    5. Confirmation Tone


Call Forward - Forward On Busy: When a number is busy, allows calls to be automatically forwarded to a designated telephone number.

To program:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. 1
    3. 3
    4. 3
    5. n-nnnn#... (Only to on-campus numbers. See Dialing Instructions.)
    6. Confirmation Tone

To activate:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. 1
    3. 3
    4. 1
    5. Confirmation Tone

To deactivate:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. 1
    3. 3
    4. 2
    5. Confirmation Tone


Call Forward - Forward On No Answer: When a call is not answered, allows the call to be automatically forwarded to a designated telephone number.

To program:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. 1
    3. 4
    4. 3
    5. n-nnnn#... (Only to on-campus numbers. See Dialing Instructions.)
    6. Confirmation Tone

To activate:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. 1
    3. 4
    4. 1
    5. Confirmation Tone

To deactivate:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. 1
    3. 4
    4. 2
    5. Confirmation Tone


Hunt Group - Forward All Calls: Allows distributing phone calls from a single number to a group of phone lines. This feature is only operable on the Pilot Number of a Hunt Group.

To program:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. 1
    3. 7
    4. 3
    5. n-nnnn#... (Five digits for on-campus numbers)
    6. Confirmation Tone

To activate:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. 1
    3. 7
    4. 1
    5. Confirmation Tone

To deactivate:

    1. Dial Tone
    2. 1
    3. 7
    4. 2
    5. Confirmation Tone


Conference Calls: A telephone call in which multiple users listen in or participate in the conversation. See Audioconference Services for more information.



Originator Controlled Conference - Up to Six Participants: This audio conference can only be originated using Centrex (non-VoIP) office phones. Participants can be located in or out of the local area code. It supports up to six participants (the originator plus five conferees). It does not require any prearrangement with Telecommunications. This is a standard Centrex feature available only on Centrex lines, so only normal rates apply, which are charged to the originator.

  1. Dial 181.
  2. When you hear a "confirmation tone," proceed to dial the first participant's number.
  3. Press FLASH/TAP (the hang-up button) to bring the first participant into the conference.
  4. Press FLASH/TAP to get out to call the second participant.
  5. Dial the second participant's number.
  6. Press FLASH/TAP to bring the second participant into the conference.
  7. Continue until all participants are brought into the conference.
  8. If any person does not answer or cannot be in on the call, pressing FLASH/TAP and dialing 184 removes that number from the conference and allows the originator to proceed.


Authorization Codes: Requires a prearranged authorization code through Telecommunications and modifications to the telephone number to activate. Only local calls may be made without the authorization code.




Article ID: 532
Thu 5/2/24 11:03 AM