Microsoft Stream - Finding videos migrated to SharePoint



Microsoft merged the capabilities of Stream and SharePoint across all of Microsoft 365. Microsoft Stream (Classic) was be disabled on March 5, 2024. This article describes how to find your migrated videos. All embedded videos and links to Stream (classic) content are currently redirecting to the new Stream (sharepoint) platform. However, please be aware that this redirect will only be active until February 15, 2025.

Please update your links by replacing the old ones that start with with the new ones that start with

Ensure you update any older shared, published, or embedded links with the new URL address before this deadline. For help,  contact Help Desk Central by phone at 979-845-8300 or via email at if you have any questions.

To learn about Stream’s new features, visit Microsoft Stream help & learning.

Find videos owned by you

Find content you own by searching your OneDrive or in Stream (SharePoint).

On Stream, you can use the Stream Search feature to find the names of the migrated videos. Once you open or view a migrated video, it will appear at the top of your page. You can also use the Filter tool to find more videos. 

If you are already logged into your Microsoft Texas A&M account, you can access your OneDrive by visiting Your videos will be listed among all your other files. You can use the Search feature or the Filter by name or person feature to find more videos.

Find videos owned by a Team

For videos owned by a Microsoft Team or Group, this folder can be found in the SharePoint Documents area.

  1. Open your Microsoft SharePoint.
  2. Open the Team’s SharePoint site.
  3. Open Documents and look in a folder called Stream Migrated Videos

After you view or click to open a migrated video one time, it will appear at the top of your Microsoft Stream (SharePoint) page You can also search SharePoint using the name of the video. 

Learn the Stream (SharePoint) layout

  1. Upload: Click this button to upload any local files from your computer to your Stream storage.
  2. Screen Recording: Record a video of your screen (maximum length 15 minutes) and upload it to your Microsoft Stream account. You can share, export, or practice your recording with this feature.
  3. Camera Recording: Similar to Screen recording, but this feature allows you to record yourself. You can record up to 15 minutes and then upload it to your Stream account. You can share, export, or practice your recording with this feature.
  4. Playlist: Create and manage your video playlists with Microsoft Lists. You can add or remove videos, name your playlists, and share them with your Teams groups.
  5. Filter by keyword: Search for any video in your account by title, tag, or description.
  6. Gallery: Browse all the files in your account, including your Teams recordings. You can also filter and sort your files by various criteria such as video name, tags, owner.



Article ID: 633
Thu 5/2/24 11:08 AM