TAMUDirect - Google Drive FAQ


Answers to common questions related to using Google Drive in conjunction with TAMUDirect mailing lists.


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Google Drive

I enabled Google Drive. How do list members access it?

The list owner will automatically see the folder added to their Google Drive. List members should see the shared drive folder in their "Shared with Me" section of Drive. If a list member does not see the folder listed in Shared with Me, they are likely not signed into their TAMU Google Apps account, and are probably signed into their personal Google account instead.

I added an individual to my Google Shared Drive, and they are removed the next day.

Google Shared Drives that are created as part of a TAMUDirect course list using the Google Team Drive setting in the TAMUDirect interface will have their membership controlled by TAMUDirect. During the nightly synchronization process, any email address that is not present in the related TAMUDirect list will be removed from the Google Shared Drive.

How do I add someone to my TAMUDirect Google Shared Drive?

To add someone to a Google Shared Drive that is tied to a TAMUDirect list, you must add the individual's TAMU Google Apps email address to the TAMUDirect list that is tied to the shared drive. The TAMU Google Apps email address is usually their NetID@tamu.edu.

My course is ended and I want to delete the Google Drive folder. How do I do this?

You can delete your Drive folder by deleting the list from TAMUDirect, or by clicking the "Edit" button next to your list on the "My Lists" page, expanding the List Settings section, and toggling off "Shared Google Drive." This will remove all sharing permissions from the drive folder, and rename the folder by appending "Archived [date].

If seeking to delete an entire Google Shared Drive, follow the instructions here: Google Shared Drive - How to Delete a Shared Drive

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Mon 1/27/25 4:04 PM