Zoom - Common Errors and Frequently Asked Questions


Table of Contents


Error: Please contact HDC to enable your Zoom account.

Solution: Verify entitlement.

  • System Member Parts 02 (TAMU College Station, Qatar, and Law School), 10 (TAMUG), 23 (TAMU Health), and 28 (TEES) are eligible for a TAMU Zoom account.
  • System Member Part 07 (Texas Agrilife Extension Service) have access through Agrilife and need to email zoom@ag.tamu.edu to request access. Additionally, they will access Zoom via https://agrilife.zoom.us/. They can contact FirstCall Agrilife Tech Support at (979) 985-5737 for further assistance.
  • System Member Part 06 (Texas Agrilife Research) do not have access to Zoom and will need to use Microsoft Teams instead.

Error: Students cannot view a Zoom recording.

Solution: Verify that the student is logged into Zoom with their Texas A&M Zoom account. When clicking on their profile picture in the Zoom client, the word Licensed should appear next to their name.

Error: Zoom recording has audio, chat, and transcript, but no video. The video file ends in .tmp.

Solution: Rename the video file to end with .mp4 and then reconvert the file. If that does not work, see Zoom's support documentation at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362753-Troubleshooting-failed-conversion-of-local-recordings.

Error: When sharing a link to a Zoom recording, the recipient is asked to log in with CAS, even though they are not a Texas A&M affiliate.

Solution: Download and send the MP4 recording file to the recipient. Links to stored recordings require a CAS login, but downloaded files may be sent to anyone.

Error: Adding an edited Zoom meeting to Outlook creates a new calendar instead of being added to the current calendar.

Solution: Instead of adding the edited Zoom meeting by double-clicking the meeting file, drag-and-drop the meeting file onto the calendar. This aberrant behavior is due to Outlook being unable to automatically determine which calendar the meeting should be added to. Dragging the file to the correct calendar avoids the issue.

Error: When attempting to add a co-host, the error "user is not a member of your Zoom account" is displayed.

Solution: The co-host must make sure their ZOOM account is a Texas A&M Zoom account. If they need to claim their TAMU Zoom account, they can do so at https://tamu.zoom.us/. Additional instructions on claiming a TAMU Zoom account can be found at https://servicenow.tamu.edu/tamu.service-now.com/kburl.do?article=KB0018463.

Error: Zoom will not launch, and instead asks for a meeting ID, installs software, updates software, and then closes on launch in an endless cycle.

Solution: Uninstall Zoom using an uninstaller such as Revo Uninstaller, restart the computer, and then reinstall Zoom. The likely cause is a corrupted installation of Zoom.

Error: Zoom Airplay is not working while connected to the TAMU VPN.

Solution: Zoom Airplay is unavailable when being connected to TAMU VPN or any campus wireless networks. TAMU campus networks do not allow devices to see each other. 


Question: Can faculty request a list of who attended a specific Zoom session?

Answer: Yes. If the request pertains to academic integrity, they must contact the Aggie Honor Office. For all other purposes, they can contact Help Desk Central for assistance during normal business hours.

Question: Do Retirees get a Zoom account?

Answer: Yes. Retirees can get a Basic Zoom account through Texas A&M.

Question: Can I host a Zoom meeting with between 300 and 500 participants or a webinar with several thousand participants?

Answer: Faculty and staff can request the ability to host a Zoom meeting with between 300 and 500 participants or a webinar with several thousand participants. Student organizations should have their organizational staff or faculty make the request. This is an add-on service that must be paid for by the department making the request. Faculty and staff should follow these procedures to get access to these larger meetings:

  • One Time: 
  • Multiple Times: 
    • If they wish to have access to 300 participants or more long term, or if they wish to have an ongoing webinar, they must contact zoom-requests@tamu.edu
      • In your email, include some information about the request, such as purpose/amount of expected participants (300-500 or over 500).
    • If you haven't heard back from zoom-requests@tamu.edu and your meeting is coming up, reach out to Help Desk Central.
    • NOTE: There may be a price associated with upgrading your account.

Question: Where can I find my Zoom Instant Messaging ID?


  1. Go to https://tamu.zoom.us.
  2. Log in to the site.
  3. Select Profile tab on left hand side. It should be listed under the Personal Meeting ID.

Question: How do Zoom recordings work?

Answer: Information on Zoom recordings can be found on Zoom's support pages, including Zoom Support PageLinks to Recording Questions, and On - Demand Recordings.

Question: How can I change the email address associated with my Texas A&M Zoom account?

Answer: Because TAMU uses Single Sign On (SSO) to authenticate with Zoom, your email address will always be your NetID@tamu.edu. In order to change your email address, you would need to change your NetID.

Question: Can I request a Zoom account for my department or college that is not tied to a specific individual?

Answer: Yes. You must request this type of account through the Technology Services Identity Management Office by filling out an IT Resource Request Form available at https://it.tamu.edu/services/accounts-and-id-management/proxy-account-management/it-resource-account/.

Question: Can Zoom meetings be scheduled on behalf of others?

Answer: Yes, using a feature called Schedule Privilege. Schedule Privilege must be enabled by the individual on whose behalf the meeting will be scheduled.

Here are the steps for granting Scheduling Privileges to another user.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal using the SSO option.
  2. Click Settings
  3. Under Other, click the plus sign (+) next to Assign scheduling privileges to.
  4. Enter one or more email addresses in the window, separated with a comma.
  5. Click Assign.

If the user was assigned successfully, they will appear under Assign Scheduling Privilege to. However, they will need to sign out of the Zoom desktop client and sign in again before they will be able to schedule meetings for you there.

If Scheduling Privilege cannot be assigned because the user is not on your account or is not a Licensed user, you will receive an error message.


NOTE: Granting Scheduling Privileges to another user in Zoom will cause the campus member to see all of the other user's Zoom meetings on their calendar. 


This behavior occurs due to the way scheduling privileges are set up. In Zoom, users granted Scheduling Privileges to an account are listed as alternative hosts for all the Zoom meetings on that account. This includes meetings scheduled prior to the time when Scheduling Privileges were granted.

At the moment, there is no option to restrict users with Scheduling Privileges to being alternative hosts for only some meetings.

For more information regarding this feature, please visit Zoom's support site.

Question: What is the limit for cloud storage of Zoom recordings?

Answer: TAMU uses a shared pool of storage space for Zoom cloud recordings. As such, there is essentially no limit for an individual user.

Question: Why do I get a "user does not exist" error when attempting to access Zoom through Canvas?

Answer: This error may occur when a user logs into Zoom using a non-TAMU Zoom account. If they are logging in with their @tamu.edu email address, they may have used that address to create a non-TAMU account previously. In this case, they must log into the non-TAMU Zoom account and change the associated email address to a non-TAMU address, such as a gmail or yahoo email address.

To change your Zoom sign-in email:
  1. Log into https://zoom.us/ using your current email address and password.
  2. Click on My Account.
  3. Click on Edit to the left of the sign-in email address.
  4. Enter a new email address that is not affiliated with Texas A&M.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Once you have changed your Zoom Sign-in Email to a non-TAMU address, you will be able to claim your TAMU Zoom account using the instructions below.

They will then need to use their NetID and NetID password to log into https://tamu.zoom.us/ and create a TAMU Zoom account with their @tamu.edu address.

Question: Why do I receive an error that I don't have permissions to view my class recordings while logged in with my TAMU Zoom account?

Answer: Only licensed Zoom accounts are able to access recordings. If you receive this error and feel that you should have a licensed Zoom account, contact Help Desk Central at helpdesk@tamu.edu or 979-845-8300 for assistance.

Question: Why can't I use AirPlay to chare my screen while connected to Zoom?

Answer: AirPlay is not an enterprise-ready application and does not work on the TAMU_WiFi network. Zoom recommends attempting screen sharing using a wired connection as outlined at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115003341686-Share-an-iOS-device-screen-using-a-cable

Question: Why am I unable to join a Zoom meeting I created through Google Calendar?

Answer: This can occur if an incorrect Zoom plugin is installed in your browser. This situation can be corrected by downloading and installing the official Zoom plugin for their browser.

Question: Why am I unable to use a Zoom Marketplace application with TAMU Zoom?

Answer: All requests for Zoom application integration must be sent to zoom-requests@tamu.edu. Currently, requests are reviewed at the end of each semester.

Question: Why am I unable to use the polling feature in my Zoom meeting?

Answer: Polling is only available in scheduled meetings and is unavailable using "quick start" meetings.

Question: Can I present my screen and talk while simultaneously having an ASL interpreter sign on-screen?

Answer: The following settings will allow a screen recording of the presentation and ASL interpreter for a LOCAL recording. This functionality does not work for cloud recording at this time:

  • Record Active Speaker
  • Gallery View
  • Shared Screen separately

Question: Why am I unable to install Zoom for Outlook?

Answer: Zoom for Outlook will only work with Exchange email accounts. If your @tamu.edu address sends mail to a TAMU Gmail account, you should instead use the Gmail add-on available at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360000355223-Gmail-Add-On.

Question: Can I create concurrent Zoom meetings and leave one to attend another?

Answer: Basic accounts cannot host concurrent Zoom meetings. Licensed accounts can host up to two meetings at the same time. Additional information is available at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206122046-Can-I-Host-Concurrent-Meetings-. Licenses are available to purchase to allow up to 4 concurrent meetings (Concurrent Meeting Basic) or up to 20 concurrent meetings (Concurrent Meeting Plus). For information and pricing of these licenses, contact zoom-requests@tamu.edu.

Question: How can I change my display name in Zoom?

Answer: In order to adjust your display name in Zoom, you will need to ensure that your published name is correct in either Howdy or Workday. Please follow the instructions found here to make adjustments to your display name. 

Changing these settings will also change your display name in Exchange/Outlook. 




Article ID: 426
Thu 5/2/24 10:58 AM
Mon 6/24/24 12:40 PM

Related Services / Offerings

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