Subscribing to a Listserv List


Step-by-step instructions on how to join a Listserv mailing list.



Subscribing to a Listserv list at TAMU is a relatively simple process. If the list is configured to allow subscription request (i.e. it is not set to CLOSED) then you can initiate the subscription yourself. Here’s how:

  1. Send an email to, which is the Listserv server. The email must be sent from the address at which you want to receive future emails.
  2. In the body of the email, include the following command:

    SUB listname Full Name
    1. Replace “listname” with the exact name of the Listserv list to which you’re subscribing. If the listname is, then you would some_list here.
    2. Replace “Full Name” with your first and last name, separated by a space.
  3. You will receive a confirmation message based on the nature of the list. There are several possibilities:
    1. If the list is set to OPEN, you will get a notice that you have been subscribed to the list successfully.
    2. If the list is set to OPEN CONFIRM, you will get a notice asking you either to reply or click a URL provided in order to confirm the request actually originated from you. After following these directions, you will get a confirmation notice that you have been subscribed to the list.
    3. If the list is set to BY OWNER, you subscription request will be forwarded to the owner of the list for approval. Once approved, you should get a confirmation or welcome from the list that you have been subscribed successfully.
    4. If the list is set to CLOSED, the list owner has established that no one may subscribe to the list, and the Listserv server will reply to you that you must contact the list owner directly about subscription requirements.



I subscribed to a list, but I can’t send to it.

The ability to send to and receive email from a Listserv list is controlled by your email address. Sending from a different email account, or from the same email account with a different sending address, will cause Listserv to block access to that list. Make sure you are sending messages from the same address with which you are subscribed to a list. Also be aware that you may have subscribed to different lists with different addresses ( and, for example).

I changed my email address and no longer send to or receive email from a list.

See above for why you are unable to send or receive email.

Is there a way to see all available listservs that can be joined?

At this time, there is not a way to see all available listservs that can be joined. There does exist a Listserv public archive index that can be perused. 

Do I need to unsubscribe and re-subscribe if I have changed my address, or if I subscribed with the wrong address?

No. You can update your subscribed address via the following process:

  1. Log into (information on setting up a Listserv password can be found in the Listserv FAQ documentation) using the old address with which you are subscribed.
  2. Click on Subscriber's Options then click on Subscriptions from the choices on the sidebar.[fig. 01].

    [fig. 01 – Subscriber’s Options]
  3. Click on the name of the list in which you want to make changes to. [fig. 02].

    [fig. 02 – Settings]
  4. On the next page, you will see list you are subscribed to. Click on the "hamburger" icon, then click on Subscribe or Unsubscribe. [fig. 03].

    [fig. 03 – Subscription settings]
  5. On the next page,  you will see all of your subscription settings, including your name and your email address. Enter your new email address here. [fig. 04]

      [fig. 04 -  Subscription settings]  
  6. Click on Update Options [fig. 04]. Be careful not to click the “Unsubscribe” button, which is right next to it.

    [fig. 05 – Update options]
  7. You will see a message at the top of the window that says:
    1. A confirmation request is being mailed to your new address (New Address). For security reasons, the change will not be made until it has been confirmed from the new address. Simply wait for the confirmation request to arrive, then follow the instructions to confirm the change of address.
  8. Check the inbox of your new address. You should receive an email subject line of "Command confirmation request" followed by a randomly generated number. That message will contain a message similar to the following
    1. Your command: 

      CHANGE LISTNAME New Address
      requires confirmation. To confirm the execution of your command, simply click on the following link: (Please note, the preceding link should not be used.)
      Alternatively, if you have no WWW access, you can reply to the message and type OK as the text of your message. If you receive an error message, try sending a new message to (without using the "reply" function) and type OK RandomNumber as the text of your message. 
  9. Using either of the above methods, confirm your address change.
  10. Once your address has been changed, then you will no longer be able to see that list in the Subscriber's Corner until you log into with the new address.





Article ID: 467
Thu 5/2/24 11:00 AM
Mon 2/10/25 3:44 PM

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