Globus - Personal Endpoints


Globus Connect Personal allows you to designate specific folders on your desktop or laptop computer as a Globus Endpoint.



Globus Connect Personal allows you to designate specific folders on your desktop or laptop computer as a Globus Endpoint. This will allow you to use Globus to transfer files to or from your computer using the Globus file transfer service.

Naming Endpoints

In order to make Endpoints easy to find, we recommend following a common TAMU Globus Naming Convention.

Globus Connect Personal for Windows


  1. Download Globus Connect Personal from
  2. Run the EXE file from your Downloads folder. You may get a notification that Microsoft Defender prevented an unrecognized app from starting.
    1. Click More Info.
    2. Click Run Anyway after verifying that the app is named globusconnectpersonal-latest.exe and the publisher is The University of Chicago.
  3. Click Install.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Click Log In on the Globus Connect Personal setup window. This will open your default web browser to a Globus page notifying you of the permissions Globus Connect Personal will use.
  6. Provide a label to refer to your computer within Globus. By default, this will be your computer's name.
  7. Click Allow.
  8. Enter a collection name to identify your new Endpoint.
  9. Enter a description of the endpoint, such as "my desktop."
  10. Select High Assurance if your computer stores or will work with sensitive data such as Protected Health Information or Controlled Unclassified Information.
  11. Click Save. You will receive a notification that Globus Connect Personal is now running in the background. The Globus Connect Personal icon will be displayed in the System Tray in the bottom right of your screen when it is running.


  1. Right-click the Globus icon in the system tray.
  2. Click on Options....
    1. Access tab - Lists folders that will accessible via Globus for file transfer and sharing. The default folder is your home directory.
    2. General tab - Specify whether you want Globus to run when Windows starts, whether it should automatically check for updates, and the location of your home directory. We recommend leaving "Automatically check for updates" selected so that you are always using the most current version of Globus Connect Personal.
  3. Click the + (plus) symbol on the Access tab to add a folder to the list of accessible folders.
  4. Navigate to the folder you want to make accessible via Globus.
  5. Click Choose.
  6. Select Shareable next to the listed folder to allow Globus to share data from that folder.
  7. Click Save.

Globus Connect Personal for macOS


  1. Download Globus Connect Personal from
  2. Double-click the globusconnectpersonal-latest.dmg file in your Downloads folder.
  3. Drag Globus Connect Personal onto the Applications folder shortcut.
  4. Double-click Globus Connect Personnal from your Applications folder.
  5. Click Open if you receive a message stating "'Globus Connect Personal' is an app downloaded from teh internet. Are you sure you want to open it?"
  6. Click Log In on the Globus Connect Personal setup window. This will open your default web browser to a Globus page notifying you of the permissions Globus Connect Personal will use.
  7. Provide a label to refer to your computer within Globus. By default, this will be your computer's name.
  8. Click Allow.
  9. Enter a collection name to identify your new Endpoint.
  10. Enter a description of the endpoint, such as "my desktop."
  11. Select High Assurance if your computer stores or will work with sensitive data such as Protected Health Information or Controlled Unclassified Information.
  12. Click Save. You will receive a notification that Globus Connect Personal is now running in the menu bar. The Globus Connect Personal icon will be displayed in your menu bar in the top right of your screen.


  1. Click the Globus icon in the menu bar.
  2. Click on Preferences....
    1. General tab - Specify whether you want to use black and white or colored icon in the menu bar. You can also set the frequency which Globus checks for updates and whether to automatically download those updates. We recommend checking for updates frequently to be notified of important security updates.
    2. Access tab - Lists folders that will be access via Globus for file transfer and sharing. The default folder is your User directory.
  3. Click the + (plus) symbol on the Access tab to add a folder to the list of accessible folders.
  4. Navigate to the folder you want to make accessible via Globus.
  5. Click Open.
  6. Select Shareable next to the listed folder to allow Globus to share data from that folder.

Globus Connect Personal for Linux


  1. Go to
  2. Install Tcl/Tk in order to use the Globus graphical user interface.
    1. Select your version of Linux from the options presented.
    2. Follow the provided instructions to install Tcl/TK for your version of Linux.
  3. Go to
  4. Click on Show Me Other Supported Operating Systems.
  5. Click Download Connect Personal for Linux.
  6. Choose Save File.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Open a Terminal window.
  9. Move the downloaded tarball to your home directory with the command: mv ~/Downloads/globusconnectpersonal-latest.tgz ~
  10. Extract the files from the downloaded tarball using the following command: tar xzf globusconnectpersonal-latest.tgz
  11. Verify that a new folder named globusconnectpersonal-X.Y.Z (X.Y.Z will be the current version of Globus Connect Personal) has been created using the command: ls
  12. Enter the globusconnectpersonal-X.Y.Z folder using the command: cd globusconnectpersonal-X.Y.Z
  13. Start Globus Personal Connect with the command: ./globusconnectperonal
  14. Click Log In on the Globus Connect Personal setup window. This will open your default web browser to a Globus page notifying you of the permissions Globus Connect Personal will use.
  15. Provide a label to refer to your computer within Globus. By default, this will be your computer's name.
  16. Click Allow.
  17. Enter a collection name to identify your new Endpoint.
  18. Enter a description of the endpoint, such as "my Linux desktop."
  19. Select High Assurance if your computer stores or will work with sensitive data such as Protected Health Information or Controlled Unclassified Information.
  20. Click Save. You will receive a notification that Globus Connect Personal is now running.


  1. Open a Terminal window.
  2. Enter the globusconnectpersonal-X.Y.Z directory.
  3. Start Globus Connect Personal with the command: ./globusconnectpersonal &
  4. Click the Connect button. A green light next to Globus Online indicates that Globus Personal Connect is running correctly and is connected to Globus.
  5. Click on File.
  6. Select Preferences. This will open the Access Path Configuration window.
  7. Click the + (plus) symbol to add a path to the list of accessible folders. It will appear listed as /path.
  8. Click on the /path entry and provide the full path to the folder you want to make available to Globus. For example /home/USERID/Documents
  9. Click the box under Write to allow Globus to move files into the shared folder, and/or click the box under Shared to allow Globus to share out files in the shared folder.
  10. Click Save.

For additional information about using Globus Connect Personal in Linux, as well as information on using it via command line only, please refer to Globus' documentation at



Article ID: 591
Thu 5/2/24 11:06 AM
Thu 2/20/25 2:08 PM

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