TAMU Email Account Life Cycle



Texas A&M Gmail accounts are provided to faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students of Texas A&M University (System Part 02) with active NetID accounts. The data that controls these accounts is provided by various organizations and can differ in content and update frequency. The following are the most common examples:

NOTE: Staff are only eligible for a Texas A&M Gmail account if the staff member's department allows it.


Student accounts

Student accounts constitute the majority of Texas A&M Gmail accounts. These accounts follow a standard lifecycle that begins when Texas A&M student first registers for classes and ends two years after the student's last day of enrollment. 



Applicants receive a UIN from the Office of Admissions and Records when their application is received. The applicant uses their UIN to activate their NetID account but they will not have access to a Texas A&M Gmail account.


Admitted students

Once a student transitions from applicant to admitted student (but not enrolled for classes), they can indicate their intent to attend Texas A&M by registering for their New Student Conference (NSC) or classes at A&M. A Texas A&M Gmail account is created 24-48 hours after registering for your NSC.

At this stage, students are added to the public TAMU Directory. Students wishing to withhold their directory information may indicate this preference through the My Record tab in the Howdy portal. Instructions can be found here.


Enrolled students

Once a student enrolls for courses, they will be considered "enrolled" until the student is removed from any enrollment data feed; removal includes graduation, withdrawal from classes, and leaves of absence for internships or military service. In the case of leaves of absence for military service, special arrangements can be made to avoid loss of Texas A&M Gmail services. For more information on this, contact Help Desk Central at (979) 845-8300 or email helpdesk@tamu.edu.


Former students

After a student has been absent from the university for at least two years, or has not been enrolled (assuming they have not transitioned to staff or faculty), their NetID account including their Texas A&M Gmail and Google Drive accounts will be locked and prepared for deletion. 

It is the responsibility of the campus member to migrate all data stored in these accounts to a personal account before these accounts are terminated.


Staff and faculty accounts

For the most part, staff and faculty Texas A&M Gmail accounts behave like enrolled student accounts. A new staff or faculty member who appears in the Personnel data feed is provisioned immediately with an LDAP directory entry, including NetID and password, and becomes eligible for an email account. If the employee's department allows the employee to have a Texas A&M Gmail account, it can be claimed on the Email Settings tab on the Aggie Account Gateway

When a staff or faculty member leaves university service, mail and authentication access are suspended on the termination date listed in Workday by their department. In some cases, departments may request suspension of account services prior to the employee's termination date. Staff and faculty who retire from university service but continue to draw certain benefits (i.e. medical, etc.) may keep their NetID and Texas A&M Gmail accounts.



Article ID: 452
Thu 5/2/24 10:59 AM
Thu 6/20/24 11:17 AM