Ordering Software through IT Self Service - FAQ

Where should I go to order departmental software?

Departmental software can be ordered on the IT Self-Service website — https://itselfservice.tamu.edu. Go to the Services tab and click Order Software.

Can I order personal software on the IT Self-Service site?

No. Personal software may be obtained through software.tamu.edu.

Who can place departmental software orders on IT Self-Service?

Anyone can place an order. However, you need to be authorized by your department to spend against the funding source for the order.

What is the difference between mid-year and annual software purchases?

Purchases of Microsoft products made mid-year are prorated and expire at the end of the fiscal year.
Purchases of all other software made mid-year are NOT prorated and. They are purchased at full price and remain valid through the license’s expiration. License expiration date vary, so please contact softwarecenter@tamu.edu if you have questions about the date of expiration for specific software licenses.

Who do I contact if I experience problems ordering software through IT Self-Service?

For any questions or problems, please contact the Division of Technology Software Center at softwarecenter@tamu.edu or (979) 845-8300.

What accounting information is needed to purchase software?

The following departmental account information will be required:

  • Name (complete name, no acronyms please)
  • Account number, including system part
  • Accounting contact name and phone number
  • Department mail stop or mailing address if not on the College Station campus

Can I charge my order to multiple accounts?

An entire order (all of its items) can be charged to multiple accounts, but individual items within a given order cannot be specified to be charged to separate, individual account. In cases where a specific item should be charged to an account separate from other items, a separate order must be completed for that item.

Do items stay in my cart after I log out?

Yes. Items stay in the cart until you order them or remove them.

Can I see orders I have placed?

Yes. You can see active and closed orders by going to the My Orders link.

Can I find an account number I used in a previous order?

Yes. Your closed orders, including account information, can be found by clicking on the My Orders link and then selecting the Closed/Inactive filter. You must be logged in to see your orders.

How can I see the progress of my order?

Log in to your account and click on “My Orders.”

Is it possible to update an order or change information on an order once placed?

Yes. You can communicate information or questions about your order by going to your list of orders, clicking on the specific order,  and using the “Provide Update” link. You will receive an email notification when the Software Center replies.

What is the number on my order that begins with RITM?

It is the Requested Item Number assigned to a specific item you have selected.

What is the number on my order that begins with REQ?

It is the Request Order Number used to identify your order. Your order may include many requested items.

I place orders for my department. Can another person be notified about an order I place for them?

Yes. If placing an order for someone else, enter the name in the Requested For field. Confirm the name from the list that appears. They will receive email notifications about the order.


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Article ID: 636
Thu 5/2/24 10:08 AM
Wed 6/26/24 2:43 PM

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