Microsoft Annual Enrollment software items are only available during the Annual Enrollment period, which generally begins in late April or early May and lasts for about two weeks. Any questions about the enrollment period should be directed to the Software Center.
Other departmental software is available throughout the year. The order process is the same for all Technology Services Software Center items, although some items have different information requirements.
Ordering (Completing a catalog item form)
Check Out
After Ordering
What software is available?
● I don’t see the software I want.
○ Software will not be available on the itselfservice.tamu.edu Order Software page if:
■ The Software Center doesn’t offer that software, or
■ The software is not for departments, or
■ The software is not available for purchase at this time. Example: Some Microsoft software is only available during an annual enrollment period.
■ The list is not inclusive as Microsoft offers hundreds of products with variations of these products. If you would like a specific product, send an email to softwarecenter@tamu.edu and they will research your request to see if it can be obtained.
● I clicked on the software title and the message said I was not authorized.
○ Not all departmental software is available to everyone. If you feel this is an error, please, contact the Software Center.
● When I clicked on the software item, I had to log in. After I logged in, it took me to ServiceNow, not the IT Self-Service portal.
○ This happens to persons who have roles in ServiceNow besides user. In the URL line, replace ‘navpage.do’ with ‘tamuselfservice’ and press enter. You should now be logged into the portal.
Ordering (Completing a catalog item form)
● Can I place an order for someone else?
○ Yes. On the Checkout page, enter the name in the Requested For box. If you type the person’s name in the Requested For space and the name doesn’t appear in a selection list, you will need to search for the name. Click on the magnifying glass. In the window that opens, select Name or email to search by from the drop down list and in the Search box type an asterisk (*) and some part of the name/email address and press enter. Click on the appropriate name in the list.
● What is the red asterisk for?
○ It means that information is required before the item can be added to the Cart.
● When I log in, why are there already items in my cart?
○ Once in the cart, items remain until ordered or removed.
● I am ready to checkout, but I don’t see a checkout button.
○ Occasionally, the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button does not appear in the Shopping Cart. Just go the top and click the button MyCart and you will be taken to the Checkout page. Or, refresh your page and the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button will appear in the Shopping Cart. (At the top of the page is a message with this same information.)
● I want to change or remove an item in my Shopping Cart.
○ To change or remove an item that is already in your cart:
■ In the Shopping Cart, click the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button to go to the Checkout page.
■ On the Checkout page, on the right side of the catalog item, click ‘Edit’ to go back and change the item or ‘Remove’ to remove the item from the Shopping Cart.
● My catalog item requires FTE to calculate the quantity of the purchase. What do I do with the Quantity field in the ‘Order this Item’ box?
○ Nothing. Although you may change the value in that Quantity box, it is not being used. The Calculated Quantity and Calculated Price (shown in the grey fields at the bottom of the form) are the valid quantity and price for the item. The fields in the ‘Order this Item’ box are not used. The correct price and quantity will show on the Checkout page, and for items in the cart also.
● How many licenses do I need to purchase for software that uses core-based licensing?
○ Core-based installations of BizTalk Server, System Center, SQL Server, and Window Server must be licensed for all processors on a server and all cores on a processor. A minimum of 8 cores per processor and 16 cores per computer must be requested. Because licenses are sold in bundles of 2, a minimum of 8 licenses will need to be requested.
○ Example 1: Server with 1 processor and 12 cores per processor
1 proc x 12 cores = 12 cores / 2 (priced in bundles of 2) = 6 licenses, increase to 8 minimum
○ Example 2: Server with 8 processors and 14 cores per processor
8 proc x 14 cores = 112 cores / 2 (priced in bundles of 2) = 56 licenses

Check Out
● What should I put in Special Instructions?
○ Use this area for information you would like to see on your order or billing statement. Some customers use this area for a purchase order number or an alternate email address. It could also contain a message to the Software Center. You decide how you want to use this space.
● I want to request this software for someone else, but I can’t get the name to come up in
the list.
○ If you type the person’s name in the Requested For space and the name doesn’t appear, you will need to search for the name. Click on the magnifying glass. In the window that opens, select Name or Email from the drop down list and in the Search box type an asterisk (*) and some part of the name/email address and press enter. Click on the appropriate name in the list.
● What is the ‘system part’?
○ Each part of the Texas A&M University System has a part number. For the Texas A&M University campus in College Station, the part number is 02.
● What account number should I use?
○ Use either your department’s FAMIS account number or your department’s account number with Texas A&M Technology Services. Your FAMIS account will include the part number. If you use a TAMU Technology Services account number, add your system part afterward as well.
● Can I charge my order to more than one account?
○ Yes. Click the Add Row button to add a row for another account. The total of all account percentages must total exactly 100%.
● I can’t click the Place Order button.
○ Make sure you entered information in every field with an asterisk.
○ Make sure the percentage(s) for account(s) equals 100%.
○ Make sure you clicked the authorized to spend funds statement.
● What kind of notifications will I get?
○ You will get a notification when your order is placed and when it is completed or cancelled. If someone is requesting an item for you, you will receive a notification when that order is placed.
○ If you use the Provide Updates button in the View Order details section, the Software Center will receive a notification. If the Software Center replies back in that format, you will receive a notification as well.
After Ordering
View Account Details
● When I click View Account, nothing happens.
○ You may have popups blocked. Enable popups.
View Order Details
● Where can I see my orders:
○ Click the My Orders icon at the top of the page. You will see a list of your ordered items. You may see an entire order by: (1) going to any ordered/requested item in the order, (2) clicking ‘View Details’ button, (3) clicking ‘View Billing Information’ button in upper right corner. Choose to see Open/Active ordered items or Closed/Inactive order with the filter on the right.
Change Order
● How can I change my order after it is submitted ?
○ You can send information to the Software Center using the Provide Update button. To the right of the ordered item you wish to change, click the chevron to see order details. Click the Provide Update button and type in your requested changes. An example would be to increase the order quantity by 1. Software Center personnel will be able to see this information.