VOAL - Unable to Install VMWare Horizon


When trying to install the VMWare Horizon client to access VOAL, the setup starts and gets close to completing, but suddenly goes to "Cancelling VMWare Horizon Client." The last message before it went to cancelling was "Installing VMWare Horizon HTML5 Multimedia Redirection Client."


• Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
• Application/Host/Website: WMware Horizon Client 4.1.0 (and 4.0.0)
• Error Message (If applicable): Install Failed


Install the software without VMWare Horizon HTML5 Multimedia Redirection Client.

1. Launch the installer.
2. Click "Customize Installation."
3. Deselect the option to install VMWare Horizon HTML5 Multimedia Redirection Client.
4. Proceed with the installation as normal, leaving the other settings alone.

The software should install without trouble.


VMWare Horizon HTML5 Multimedia Redirection Client was failing to install.
The log files can be found at C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Temp, replacing [user] with the username.

The file is going to be something similar to "VMware_Horizon_Client_20180905091559_004_HTML5MMRx64"
If there are any "VMWare_Horizon_Client_xxxxx" files with "_rollback" at the end, that's the uninstall log.

Opening "VMware_Horizon_Client_20180905091559_004_HTML5MMRx64" and scrolling nearly to the bottom, there is a line that reads:
MSI (s) (DC:F8) [09:16:11:756]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: VMware Horizon HTML5 Multimedia Redirection Client. Product Version: 7.5.0. Product Language: 0. Manufacturer: VMware, Inc.. Installation success or error status: 1603.

Notice the "error status: 1603." Anything other than 0 is a failure.
In this case, two of the logs had errors but only one of them mattered.

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