TAMU-OAL-OAL Printer Locations

OAL Printer Locations

In addition to equipment in the staffed OAL labs (SCC, BLCC and BLOC) there are printers in various locations throughout campus. 

**Many of these printers are in locations managed by other departments or buildings and may not provide access to all students.**




Agriculture and Life Sciences Building

Building 1535

600 John Kimbrough Bl, College Station, TX 77843


Black/White Printers Room 111A, 111BC, 210U and 409



Allen Building

Building 1607

1004 George Bush Dr

Color MFP Printers in Room 1009 and 1104

2 Black/White Printers in Room 2002 and 2003


Langford Architecture Center Building A

Building 0398

798 Ross St, College Station, TX 77843


2 Color MFP Printers in Room 122

1 Color MFP Printer on the 3rd Floor

1 Color MFP Printer on the 4th Floor

Architecture Building C

Building 0432

788 Ross St, College Station, TX 77843


2 Color MFP Printer in Room 122

1 Color MFP Printer on 4th Floor

1 Color MFP Printer on 3rd Floor

H. Grady Ash, Jr. 58 Leadership Learning Center

Building 1403

693 Military Mall, College Station, TX 77843


Black/White Printers Room 304 and 313

Ash, II Leadership Learning Center

Building 1405

621 Military Mall, College Station, TX 77843


Black/White Printer Room 309


Business Library and Collaboration Commons

Building 1511

214 Olsen Bl, College Station, TX 77843


2 Color MFP Printers in Room 125

1 Color MFP in BARC

1 Black/White Printers in Room 301


Blocker Building

Building 0524

155 Ireland St, College Station, TX 77843

2 Color MFP and 1 Black/White Printer in Room 130


Buzbee Leadership Learning Center

Building 1402

682 Military Mall, College Station, TX 77843


2 Black/White Printers in Room 301 and 312



Building 0440

676 Lubbock St, College Station, TX 77843


1 Color MFP and 1 Black/White Printer in Room 101


Computing Services Center

Building 0516

731 Lamar St, College Station, TX 77843


1 Black/White Printers in CSC00


Dwight Look Engineering Building

Building 0385

199 Spence St, College Station, TX 77843


1 Color MFP Printer on the 1st Floor


Harrington Education Center Office Tower

Building 0435

540 Ross St, College Station, TX 77843


1 Black/White Printers in 2nd hall

on the 2nd floor, by elevators by 227A

Emerging Technologies Building

Building 0270

101 Bizzell St, College Station, TX 77843


1 Color MFP Printer on the 1st Floor


Evans Library

Building 0468.1

400 Spence St, College Station, TX 77843


2 Color MFP Printers in Room 101

3 Black/White Printers in Room 101

1 Black/White Printers in Rooms 110, 111, 201 and 401


Francis Hall

Building 0476

574 Ross St, College Station, TX 77843




1 Color MFP Printers in Rooms 103, 105, 204


Gardens Community Learning Center

Building 1461

1100 Hensel Dr, College Station, TX 77843


1 Black/White Printers in Room 101

Hart Residence Hall

Building 0417

460 Throckmorton St, College Station, TX 77843


1 Black/White Printer

Horticulture/Forest Science Building

Building 1506

495 Horticulture Rd, College Station, TX 77843


1 Black/White Printers in Room 119

Bright Building

Building 0353

710 Ross St, College Station, TX 77843


1 Color MFP Printer on the 1st Floor


Hullabaloo Residence Hall

Building 1416

306 University Dr, College Station, TX 77843


1 Black/White Printers in Room 126

Innovative Learning Classroom Building

Building 1543

215 Lamar St, College Station, TX 77843


2 Color MFP Printers in Rooms 106 and 217

1 Black/White Printer in Room 101

Instructional Laboratory & Innovative Learning Building

Building 1500

459 Olsen Bl, College Station, TX 77843


1 Black/White Printer in Room 203

Student Services Building

Building 1546

471 Houston Street, College Station, TX 77843


1 Black/ White Printer in Student Life Center



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