Accessibility - Consistent navigation

When navigation is repeated across pages throughout a site, an application, or a course in a uniform and predictable way, it makes it easier for users to find and access content.  

Why use consistent navigation? 

Consistent navigation ensures that web pages occur in the same order within a website or application and that navigational links are repeated across pages in a logical manner. This may involve top tabs within a website as well as side menus. The use of standard buttons, links, and other design elements can result in a more enjoyable experience for site visitors and application users.  

Consistent navigation is particularly important for users with visual and cognitive disabilities who may have difficulty navigating new content, but it does benefit everyone. Constructing websites, applications, and online courses in this way enables users to find information faster because information and fields are in the same place on every page.  

Best practices  

  • When determining items to be included within navigation, make a list of all main components of the site which are important enough to be accessed from multiple pages.
  • Ensure that all navigation links are in the same order each time they are repeated within a website, web application, or course.
  • Use the Texas A&M brand guide to select common web elements, such as button, link text, and navigation styles.  
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