Gateway - Claiming a TAMU Gmail Account


Texas A&M University Google Apps for Education includes access to Gmail. This document outlines how to claim a Texas A&M Gmail account if you are eligible for one and have not already claimed it. Once claimed, you can access your Texas A&M Gmail account by going to

If you are not eligible for Google Apps and work for Texas A&M, please speak with your supervisor on getting access to Google Apps. If you are a Texas A&M Affiliate needed access to Google Apps, your sponsor or supervisor will need to request access on your behalf. Your sponsor or supervisor may go to complete the NetID Request Form

NOTE: Students will automatically have Google Apps enabled and will not have the option to disable it. Google Apps is required for all students. Other campus members can opt out of Google Apps at any time. 


  1. Go to and click Log in.
  2. Log in with your NetID and your NetID password
  3. Click on Email Settings and scroll down to Google Apps Account. Click Edit on the left-hand side of the screen. You can enable and disable your Texas A&M Gmail account by toggling the little sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen.
  4. You will be taken to a confirmation screen notifying you of the changes made to your email settings. You can check your email now by logging into with your NetID and respective password.
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