Email and Collaboration Services offer robust support for various collaborative needs, including calendar management, communication tools, content and file sharing, email assistance, and mailing lists. With seamless integration and reliable support, we enhance productivity and streamline collaboration across TAMU

Categories (2)

Mailing Lists

Mailing lists are digital platforms that facilitate communication among a group of individuals with shared interests or affiliations. Users subscribe to these lists to receive emails regarding topics of interest, announcements, discussions, or updates. Mailing lists can be moderated or open, allowing for controlled or free-flowing conversations respectively.

File Management and Sharing

File management involves organizing, storing, and manipulating digital files in a systematic manner to ensure efficiency and accessibility. File sharing, on the other hand, refers to the process of distributing digital files among multiple users or devices. This can be done through various methods, including email attachments, cloud storage, etc.

Articles (20)