When students leave the University, it is customary that their Texas A&M Gmail accounts expire after a certain grace period.
- Graduate and Undergraduate students: two years
- International students: three years
If you have been notified that all or part of your Texas A&M Gmail account services are candnameates for deletion, you may need to modify your email forwarding options, archive old email, sync your TAMU Gmail with a personal, or obtain a new email address.
Changing email forwarding
If you are also an employee of the university, you may still have access to your @tamu.edu email address even after your Texas A&M Gmail account is deleted. If this is the case, you'll need to update your forwarding settings for that address to forward to a different account. These settings can be updates on the Email Settings tab of the Aggie Account Gateway.
Archiving old email
If you still have access to your Texas A&M Gmail inbox, you can archive the emails stored there. You have several options for doing so:
- If you have just a few messages to keep and you have an email address active through an online service (like a personal Gmail or Yahoo!), you may forward these messages by hand.
- You can download your entire mailbox, or a portion or your mailbox, using Google's archiving tools. See our documentation “How to Archive TAMU Gmail.”
Syncing your TAMU Gmail with a Personal Address
This is useful if you would like to have your entire mailbox (including folders and trash) simply transferred over to your personal account before deletion. Instructions on how to do this can be located here.