Other Adobe Sign Frequently Asked Questions
What documents can be signed through Adobe Sign?
Besides PDF, you can send Microsoft Office files, various image files, HTML files, and text files for signing. Supported file types are DOC, DOCX, RTF, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, TXT, CSV, HTML, HTM, TIFF, TIF, BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, and PNG.
How do I prepare a document for e-signatures?
Follow these quick steps to send agreements and collect signatures.
Can I add multiple signers to a document?
Send to multiple recipients if you have more than one person that must interact with your document. Learn how to send a document for e-signature to more than one person in exactly the order you want.
Send in Bulk enables you to use a CSV file to import your recipients&#how-to-prepareworkflow-groups; email addresses and merge custom data into fields on the document for each recipient. You can also customize the message in the email sent to each signer requesting that they sign the document.
How do I specify a signing order or set priority signers
You have a few options for specifying a signing order
Why do I receive an error message saying that I can&#how-to-prepareworkflow-groups;t add the email address for an Auto-Delegate?
Only NetID email addresses can be added as Auto-Delegates. Make sure you are using that email address. If you are, and you are still receiving that error, please reach out to HDC or adobe@tamu.edu.
Is there a way in Adobe Sign to send the information I&#how-to-prepareworkflow-groups;ll copy to a recipient instead of downloading it
CC Recipients will receive a copy of the form when a process kicks off and a finalized copy on completion.
The user in the CC field does not get notified when the sender cancels the agreement. Even if all email notifications are enabled, they are not notified about the agreement cancelation. They are notified only when they are added as a Cc user on the transaction. They receive the signed and filed email.

SEND Ad Hoc Recipient Groups
On the SEND page, a user can create a Recipient Group by clicking ‘Add Recipient Group’. Create a name for the group and then add the associated users. Anyone in this Ad Hoc group can sign the document and it will be logged on the Audit Report. These groups cannot be reused.
Workflow Recipient Groups
These Recipient Groups can only be used within Workflows. To create a Workflow, click on the blue/turquoise icon in the upper right and select Profile Settings. On the left hand menu, click Address Book and then Recipient Group. Back toward the right, you’ll see Add Recipient Group. If this Group is an internal Group, proceed with creating the Group and then Add Members. If, on the other hand, the Group needs to be available to others across campus, escalate the ticket and include the Recipient Group Name and Members that need to be added.
I would really like to CC parties relative to a specific Recipient. Can I do that?
Yes! Adobe has enabled the option to CC parties specific to a recipient. When using this feature, ensure that the ‘Complete In Order’ selection has been checked. Click on the pencil icon to add the CC’ed parties.

How do I use a workflow that is available to me or that I have created?
- Click Start from Library in the main "Send a document for signature" window on the Adobe Sign homepage. A window will pop up.
- Click on Workflows in the left sidebar of the "Start from library" pop up window.
- Click on the workflow that you want to use.
- Click Start.
Why do I get a message that a workflow is corrupted when I need to edit it?
If you are attempting to kick off a Workflow, please do so from the home page > Start From Library.
If you need to make edits to the Workflow, please note that only the Creator of the Workflow, or a Group Admin can make edits.
How can I get the date to auto populate with signature?
Use the ‘new authoring’ method and select E-signature. When a signature is applied, it will include the date and time of signing.
Use the ‘classic authoring’ method, select Signature and select Date. On the Date field, add a condition such that when Signature is signed the date is populated.
I have been seeing the Agreement Name and Transaction ID show up on my agreements. What is this?
This may be an option enabled by a Group Admin for their Group. If necessary, it can help Adobe Support track down any potential issues. If it is something that you want to see on your agreements, reach out to adobe@tamu.edu.
My Agreement is listed as Expired. Can it be un-expired?
If an agreement is not completed or canceled by the expiration date, the transaction is Expired. Expired agreements are tracked in their own section of the Manage page. "Expired" is a terminal status and cannot be reversed.
How do I modify an agreement?
An agreement can only be modified if these are true:
- The agreement has not been signed, approved, or delegated to a signer or approver by the delegator to whom it was assigned.
- The agreement does not include a digital signature or written signature.
- The agreement has not been initiated from a custom workflow.
I am working on an agreement which some coworkers could use. Can I share it with other Groups?
So long as you are a member of both Groups, yes the Template could be shared. Your Group Admin can enable this but if you do not have a Group Admin, reach out to adobe@tamu.edu.

One of my Recipients wants changes made on their agreement. Can they restart the agreement instead of me canceling it and restarting it?
Yes, agreements can now be restarted at the beginning. The Recipient should click Options on the upper right-hand corner when viewing the Agreement. They will see the option to Restart Agreement. Once selected, they can enter a reason why it should restart. This will send the Agreement back to the first Recipient who will have the option to modify any fields they updated, but they will need to re-sign the agreement. Once the first Recipient has completed their action, the Agreement will then move through all remaining participants.
Can there be custom Message Templates to select from?
Message Templates can be configured by the Group Admin. If the Group Admin is not known, contact helpdesk@tamu.edu.
When I upload my document, Adobe Sign drops form fields on top of my form. When I try to delete the fields, it deletes my data. How can I keep Adobe Sign from doing this?
Adobe recognizes fields and attempts to ‘help’. You can move the overlaying field and delete the underlying field. Or you may want to Print to PDF your document before loading it in Adobe Sign. This action will ‘flatten’ the file and should keep Adobe Sign from dropping extra fields on your document.
I received a notification that an email address was incorrect. Can I update that address and the Agreement continue?
Unfortunately, Adobe Sign requires that the Agreement be initiated from the beginning with the corrected email address. From the email received, click the directional link to ‘Click Here’ and cancel or delete the agreement and begin again.
What authentication methods can I use for my document?
Adobe Sign has two types of authentication methods: Single-factor Authentication (Email or Adobe Sign Account) and Second-factor Authentication (Password-based Authentication and Knowledge-based Authentication). For most agreements, singe-factor authentication is sufficient, but certain documents may require higher levels of authentication. More information on Adobe Sign authentication methods can be found in this knowledge article.
Why did the Authentication Method remain as Email instead of Adobe Sign even when I put in a correct staff or faculty email address?
All of Faculty & Staff is in Adobe Sign; however, please remember to use the NetID email address for the Acrobat Sign Authentication method to be present.