Globus - Transferring Files


Globus allows you to transfer files between Collections using an interface similar to common FTP programs. Unlike FTP programs, however, you do not have to be logged into one of the machines you are transferring files to or from. The Globus web interface allows you to transfer files between two remote Collections you have access to.


  1. Log into Once logged in, you should be on the Globus File Manager page.
  2. Click the Search box on the left.
  3. Select a tab to view Recent Collections you've used, Bookmarked Collections, Your Collections, or Collections which have been Shared With You.
  4. Select a specific Collection from the tab you have chosen. This will be the Collection you are transferring files to or from.
  5. Click the Search box on the right.
  6. Select a tab to view Recent Collections you've used, Bookmarked Collections, Your Collections, or Collections which have been Shared With You.
  7. Select a specific Collection from the tab you have chosen. This will be the other Collection you are transferring files to or from.
  8. Select the file(s) or folder(s) from either Collection that you want to transfer to the other Collection.
  9. Click the Start button above the Collection you are transferring from. A pop up message stating Transfer request submitted successfully will appear with a link to view the transfer request details. You may dismiss this message or choose to view additional details.
  10. Click the refresh icon on the destination Collection to view the newly transferred files.

If the transfer was successful, you will receive an email notification with details of the transfer.

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