TAMU - New Student Success Guide



Welcome to Texas A&M! We are happy to have you here. Below are some frequently asked questions to assist you in preparation for the new semester. Feel free to take a peek inside this guide, and if you have any other questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us via the phone, email or online chat!

Phone: (979) 845-8300
Email: helpdesk@tamu.edu
Online Chat

Account Setup and Details

Your NetID

Your NetID will allow you to access many university resources, so it is important that you claim it as soon as possible. Please note that the NetID you choose will become your TAMU email address. Follow this link for help setting it up!

You can see more details about your NetID account here.

Your NetID Password

If you have forgotten your NetID password, or it has expired, please follow this link to get started on a password reset! 


TAMU WiFi is the wireless network available in all Texas A&M campus buildings and many areas outside near them. The TAMU WiFi network uses your NetID and your NetID password for authentication. Instructions for connecting to TAMU WiFi using various operating systems can be found in our knowledge base.

DUO 2-Factor Authentication

To begin the enrollment process for DUO, proceed to duo.tamu.edu and log in with your NetID credentials.

If you have a new phone, need to reactivate your DUO app, or want to add a backup device (highly recommended!) please follow these directions.

Click here for more information about how DUO adds an extra layer of security to your TAMU NetID account!

Your Zoom Account

As a student, you have a Pro Zoom license. To activate this license, you must log into the Zoom website first:

  1. Go to tamu.zoom.us.
    2. Select Sign In.
    3. Log in using your NetID@tamu.edu and NetID password.
    4. Authenticate with DUO.
    5. Click on your profile icon in the top right corner and ensure you see the word Licensed in rainbow letters.
    1. If you do not see the word Licensed, this indicates your TAMU Pro license is not activated correctly. Please see the directions at the bottom of this section.

Follow these directions to log into the Zoom app or desktop client:


  1. Launch the Zoom application.
  2. Click on the key icon labeled SSO
  3. Enter tamu in the company domain field.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. If you have already logged in using your web browser, it will give you the option to redirect back to the app automatically by asking if you would like to Open Zoom Meetings. Otherwise, please log in with your NetID@tamu.edu and NetID password, then authenticate with DUO.
  6. Click on your profile icon in the top right corner and ensure you see the word Licensed in rainbow letters.
    1. If you do not see the word Licensed, this indicates your TAMU Pro license is not activated correctly. Please see the directions at the bottom of this section.

If you previously created a free Zoom account using your TAMU email address, you will have troubles using Zoom with your Pro license. In this case, please follow these directions:

  1. Go to zoom.com.
  2. Log in using the credentials you created.
  3. Go to the Profile tab on the left side of the page.
  4. Scroll down to Sign-In Email and click Edit.
  5. Change your sign-in email from your TAMU email address to an unaffiliated personal email address.
  6. Log into your TAMU email account to confirm the email address was successfully changed.
  7. Log into your personal email account to confirm the email address was successfully changed.
  8. You should now be able to follow the directions above.

For more details about Zoom accounts, please see this article.

Connecting to the TAMU VPN

The Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a method of providing a more secure network from public or untrusted networks. Follow this link for directions on how to install the VPN on your device type.

You can also connect via L2TP, although this is not the preferred method for most campus members.

If you are experiencing trouble using Cisco Secure Client (formerly AnyConnect) on your machine, try these troubleshooting tips.

OAL and VOAL Machines

Open Access Lab machines are on-campus computers that are free for you to use. You can see a list of OAL computer locations here. A list of software available on these computers can be found here (Note: The Software List is only available while browsing from a computer on a TAMU network or on the TAMU VPN). 

Be sure to log into these computers using your NetID and your NetID password. If you are having troubles logging in, please perform a password flush.

The VOAL is a Virtual OAL computer. You can essentially use an on-campus computer from the comfort of your own home. Please follow these directions to access it.

If an OAL computer or the VOAL seems to be acting "glitchy", please contact Help Desk Central to have your OAL profile reset.



Many professors this semester have opted to use Canvas. You can log into canvas.tamu.edu with your NetID@tamu.edu and NetID password.

If you believe you are missing a course in Canvas, please contact your instructor. Please keep in mind that some professors may not be using Canvas. It is a good idea to check your TAMU email and your syllabus for information before reaching out to an instructor.

If you are having troubles with course content, try clearing your cache and cookies. If the problem persists you must contact your instructor. Help Desk Central does NOT have access to your assignments and cannot assist with things such as extending due dates or creating a new submission attempt.  

Software and Hardware Support


As a student, you can purchase a variety of software through software.tamu.edu. You can click the Eligibility tab at the top of the website to view what software is available to you.

You also have a free Microsoft Office 365 account. You can log into office.com with your TAMU email address (NetID@tamu.edu) and will have the option to download the Office 365 Suite which includes applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

If you need assistance with accessing or downloading any of this software, please contact Help Desk Central. Keep in mind that Help Desk Central cannot help you use the software, as this may constitute Academic Dishonesty.


Help Desk Central is available for software help (such as Windows and Mac OS corruption) and can help you troubleshoot to determine if your device is experiencing a hardware or software problem if you are not sure.

If you have a device in need of hardware repairs, a list of local repair shops can be found here.

Bill Payment and Parent Accounts

Parent Howdy Account

In order for a parent to receive access to your academic records, financial aid, tax forms, dining dollars and other information, you will need to create a Parent Howdy account by following the directions in the Student Authorizes Parent section of this article.

Upon account creation, you will have the chance to select what things you feel comfortable allowing your parent access to. According to FERPA laws, you do not need to share any information with your parent that you do not want to. Your parent should never know your passwords or ever have access to your TAMU accounts. FERPA laws still apply even if you are under the age of 18.

If your parent is having troubles with their Parent Howdy account, please click through the sections of this article based off the problem you are encountering.

Keep in mind, your parent will not be able to pay bills through this Howdy account. They will need to set up a separate Bill Pay account for this (see the section below).

Parent Bill Pay Account

If your parent needs access to pay your bills, please create a Bill Pay account for them by following these directions.

Your parent can then log into the Bill Payment Suite to see your bills and make payments. If they also have a Parent Howdy account, they can log into their Howdy account first and then proceed to the Bill Pay Suite.

If your parent is having troubles logging in, please have them use the Forgot Password? link directly below the Email Address and Password fields. They can also try clearing their cache and cookies. If all else fails, you can delete and recreate the account for them.

Bill Payment Through Student Account

If you have any questions about paying a bill through your student Howdy account, please visit the Student Business Services website.

Campus Life

ResLife and ResNet/TAMU_IoT

For questions regarding how to connect your devices to the internet in your dorm or use the ResNet/TAMU_IoT Networks on campus please follow this link for wired connection or this link for wireless connection.

Other questions about dorm life need to be directed to the Residence Life Team, please reach out to them for further assistance.

Where is This Building?

The Texas A&M University Aggie Map website is the best place to find any building located on the TAMU Campus. It provides information on how to make it from one building to the other by walking, biking, driving, or taking the Aggie Bus!  

Who is my Advisor?

Your academic advisor is a partner in your academic journey as you move through and graduate from Texas A&M University. They are a reliable source of information about your major, one who can help you explore your interests, consider alternative majors, select courses, develop your degree plan, and meet your degree requirements. They can also connect you with academic and personal support programs, co-curricular opportunities, and career options. It is strongly recommended that you meet with your advisor at least once every semester. Click here for more information about Academic Advising.

Campus Directory

If you are looking to contact a Texas A&M campus member you should be able to find their contact information in the Aggie Directory Search.



Article ID: 684
Fri 7/12/24 4:28 PM