TAMU WiFi Information


Wireless networking setup differs depending on the operating system you use and the network you are connecting to.

Note: Devices such as streaming devices (Roku, Chromecast, etc.), gaming devices (Xbox, PlayStation, etc.), and IoT devices (Smart bulbs, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, etc.) do not support WPA2 Enterprise connections and should instead use the TAMU_IoT network. 



New User

If you are receiving error messages when attempting to gain access to the TAMU_WiFi network:

  • Verify that you are using your NetID (first part of your TAMU email) and your NetID password
  • Download the provisioning tool by following the instructions here: Using the Provision Tool to Connect to Wifi
  • Perform a password flush by following the steps here

OS Setups

The instructions below will explain how to connect to TAMU WiFi on the most common operating systems and mobile devices.

KB0016518 - TAMU WiFi for Windows

KB0010421 - TAMU WiFi for Linux

KB0010698 - TAMU WiFi for Macintosh

KB0016879 - TAMU WiFi for ChromeOS

KB0010941 - TAMU WiFi for Mobile Devices

Network Types

The instructions below will explain the different network types available to you and the differences between the network types. 

KB0010436 - Eduroam

KB0010574 - Personal Wireless Devices

KB0010677 - TAMU WiFi for Guests

KB0010618 - The Differences between WPA and WPA2


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The "Wireless Support" Service Offering is for incidents troubleshooting wireless connectivity.