Proofpoint - Email Quarantine FAQ


Email security services provided by Texas A&M Technology Services automatically block or quarantine more than 13 million malicious and unwanted messages every week, including viruses, phishing scams, and spam. During a typical week, this is about 97% of all inbound email.

Generated up to twice daily, the Proofpoint End User Digest email gives you control to release quarantined messages, block or allow senders, adjust your protection level, and more. Look for a copy of your End User Digest around 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. each day in your inbox.


How do I use my Quarantine?

There are two methods you can use to interact with your email quarantine. Most users prefer using the End User Digest email itself. Inside the digest you can view the true sender of an email alongside the subject and date/time sent.

Clicking Release next to a message you expected to receive will allow the email to continue to your inbox. Release and Allow Sender will do the same, but also safe-list the sender of the email for future deliveries. Block Sender will not only block the sender, but prevent further messages from appearing in your digest. Both blocking and allowing actions can be applied to entire domains. And, finally, the Not Spam link will initiate an automated process that assists with tuning the detection engine so similar messages in the future are less likely to be scored as spam.

The more messages you mark, the more the system will learn. Over time, the Quarantine service will customize your experience so that you receive more email you want, but no longer see email you do not want.

What if I am not receiving a digest?

Some users do not receive a digest because the email security gateway has not yet detected any spam for the recipient. By default, digests are only generated if spam is received and quarantined. Once you do receive a digest, you may use the Manage My Account link, navigate to the Profile page, and select Send digest even when I have no messages in my End User Digest to always receive a digest, even if it’s empty.

What if my digest has no Manage My Account link?

If your digest does not have a Manage My Account link, or does not allow Release and Allow Sender, click the Request Safe/Blocked Senders List. After you receive the list, click the Request New End User Digest link. If you do not have an End User Digest or Quarantine Digest, send an email to The email security administrators will be able to provide access to your quarantine profile.

Quarantine is blocking too many or too few emails?

Every user has a different idea of what “spam” is. For instance, many users would be excited to receive a coupon for the local movie theatre in their inbox; others would prefer to block these coupons forever.

The Quarantine service gives you control to select your level of spam protection. By following the Manage My Account link on the right-hand side of your digest, you can interact with your Quarantine through a web interface, rather than through the End User Digest email. Here you will find a Profile link in the lower-left corner of the webpage. From these settings, you can select a Less, More, or Most Aggressive spam filter.

I received two digests! Why?

Every recipient address receives a separate email digest. For instance, if you have a address, but also commonly use, you may receive two digests. Keep in mind that adding a sender to your safe or block list will only affect delivery for the recipient for which the digest you are using was sent.

What if I am still receiving emails I do not want?

You may report phishing, spam or malicious emails to Help Desk Central following the instructions here.

What if I can’t find my mail in my Inbox or Quarantine?

For security reasons, malicious messages, such as those containing viruses, spoofed senders, or phishing scams are blocked such that they are never visible to the recipient, even in the quarantine service.

Mail services such as Exchange and Gmail also scan messages for spam or malicious content using different algorithms than the email security gateway. If you are missing an expected email, be sure to check your spam or junk folder.

If you are still unable to locate the message, or have any other questions, please contact Help Desk Central at, 979.845.8300 or by chat at

Infographic illustrating how our email relays prevent 95% of all messages sent to TAMU because they are malicious in nature.

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Article ID: 491
Thu 5/2/24 10:01 AM
Tue 9/24/24 11:17 AM

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