TAMUDirect enables you to create a Google Shared Drive for use with your course section or multi-section list. There are certain behaviors of Google Shared Drive that you must keep in mind when using this feature.
Texas A&M Google Shared Drives have a 25GB storage limit.
Enabling a Google Shared Drive
You can create a Google Shared Drive folder for your TAMUDirect list by toggling the Google Shared Drive option for your list in the List Settings for your list. This will create a Google Shared Drive folder named with the name of that list. The drive will be listed in Google Shared Drive under My Drive for all members of the list. The owner of the list, as well as anyone added as a moderator to the list, will have full access to the folder with the ability to upload, edit, and delete files. All other members of the list will only have the ability to view and download files from the Shared Drive.
Ownership of the Google Shared Drive
A Google Shared Drive folder is owned by all members of the list. In addition to being able to upload, edit, and delete files, any individual with full access to the Shared Drive will be able to add and remove members of the Shared Drive. If a member is removed from the Shared Drive, they will lose all access to the files in that drive.
Membership of the Google Shared Drive
When a TAMUDirect list is created, the NetID@tamu.edu email address of the instructor(s) of record are added to the Shared Drive will full access. The email address of the TAMUDirect list is also added as a member of the Shared Drive with view access. Anyone who is a member of the TAMUDirect list will have view access to the Shared Drive. This allows access to the files in the drive to be maintained along with course enrollment as course members are added or removed.
The folder will have the same name as your TAMUDirect list. If you have multiple lists with the same name, such as multiple section lists for a large class, then you may end up with multiple folders with the same name. Shared Drive members with full access can change the name after creation by renaming the folder directly within Google Shared Drive.
All members of the Google Shared Drive must be added to the TAMUDirect list. Any address that is added directly to the Google Shared Drive and not to the TAMUDirect list will be removed from the Shared Drive by TAMUDirect during its nightly update.
File Access in a Google Shared Drive
By default, a newly created Google Shared Drive gives Full access to the instructors of record on the list. This means that they will be able to:
- View files
- Upload files
- Download files
- Edit files
- Delete files.
All other members of the TAMUDirect list will inherit access from the TAMUDirect list's view only permissions, meaning they will only be able to view and download files in the Shared Drive.
Additional permissions are available in Google Shared Drive. You can also give individuals greater or lesser permissions by adding them directly to the Shared Drive. Details on these additional permissions can be see on Google's support page at https://support.google.com/drive/answer/2494893?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en.
Disabling a Google Shared Drive
You can disable a Google Shared Drive folder by toggling the Google Shared Drive option for your list in the List Settings for your list. This will disable and archive the Google Shared Drive for your list. In your Google Shared Drive, the name will have "Archived on" and the date you disabled the drive added to it. All Shared Drive members except the instructor(s) of record will be removed from the Shared Drive.
If you toggle this setting again to enable a Google Shared Drive, a new, separate folder will be created with the name of your list. It will be an empty folder and will not contain any files from the previously Google Shared Drive.
Archived Google Shared Drive Folders
A Google Shared Drive folder that has been archived can still be used by the instructor(s). This includes renaming the folder, adding and removing members, and changing member permissions. In this way, the folder and its contents can be reused and maintained for collaboration if desired.