Globus - Connecting to your OneDrive and SharePoint


In order to transfer files to or from a OneDrive or SharePoint folder, you will need to create an Endpoint in in the collection.

Naming Endpoints

In order to make Endpoints easy to find, we recommend following a common TAMU Globus Naming Convention.


  1. Log into Once logged in, you should be on the Globus File Manager page.
  2. Click on Collections in the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Click the Search All Collection box in the upper right of the window.
  4. Enter TAMU OneDrive.
  5. Click the search icon.
  6. Click on TAMU AIP Azure OneDrive Globus Storage Collection.
  7. Click the Collections tab.
  8. Click on Add a Guest Collection. You will need to authenticate to the TAMU AIP Azure OneDrive Globus Storage Collection in order to continue.
  9. Click Continue. If you have not previously connected your account to the Texas A&M University identity provider, you will be taken to a screen labeled Identity Required.
    1. Click on your on the Identity required screen.
    2. Click Allow to join the TAMU AIP Azure Globus Connect Server.
  10. Click Browse next to the Directory field. Your TAMU OneDrive files and folders will be displayed.
  11. Select the folder you want to use as a Globus Collection.
  12. Click Select.
  13. Optionally, you can provide a Display Name, Description, and Keywords for this Collection.
  14. Click Create Collection.

The folder you selected will now be available to use under the Your Collections tab when choosing collections.


  1. Log into Once logged in, you should be on the Globus File Manager page.
  2. Click on Collections in the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Click the Search All Collection box in the upper right of the window.
  4. Enter TAMU OneDrive.
  5. Click the search icon.
  6. Click on TAMU AIP Azure OneDrive Globus Storage Collection.
  7. Click the Collections tab.
  8. Click on Add a Guest Collection. You will need to authenticate to the TAMU AIP Azure OneDrive Globus Storage Collection in order to continue.
  9. Click Continue. If you have not previously connected your account to the Texas A&M University identity provider, you will be taken to a screen labeled Identity Required.
    1. Click on your on the Identity required screen.
    2. Click Allow to join the TAMU AIP Azure Globus Connect Server.
  10. Click Browse next to the Directory field. Your TAMU OneDrive files and folders will be displayed.
  11. Click up one folder in the collection navigation window.
  12. Double-click Shared Libraries. SharePoint folders that you have access to and which are available through Globus will be listed and accessible.
  13. Select the folder you want to use as a Globus Collection.
  14. Click Select.
  15. Optionally, you can provide a Display Name, Description, and Keywords for this Collection.
  16. Click Create Collection.

Google Drive

Texas A&M does not have a Globus connector to Google Drive available at this time.

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