Infoblox - FAQ

Infoblox Frequently Asked Questions.

1. Q. How do I add a host?

    A. Instructions for adding a host to the TAMU.EDU top level domain, or requesting a new host to be used for future subdomains, can be found in KB0012907. Adding a host to an existing subdomain can be done by creating a shared A record as seen at How to add an A Record.

2. Q. How should group names be formatted/can I change group names?

    A. The $ipsg is required at the start of all group names. System Member codes will be included followed by division code and department code. Example: $ipsg-tamu-ci-cscn. If division or department codes are incorrect or need to be changed, contact the Infoblox team at


3. Q. How can members of an Infoblox group collaborate with each other?

    A. Each Infoblox group will have a distinct mailing list set up. The naming of the mailing list is much more flexible than the group name itself.


4. Q. Can I use 2-Factor authentication with Infoblox? 

    A. Yes. You can use Duo 2-Factor authentication via push, YubiKey, and Phone authentication.


5. Q. Where can I learn how to perform basic functions within Infoblox?

    A. Instructional videos are available for the following actions:


6. Q. What are common expectations for using Infoblox?

    A. Common behaviors and expectations can be seen on KB0013061.

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Article ID: 354
Thu 5/2/24 9:55 AM
Thu 5/2/24 11:33 AM

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