Email Routing - Retiree Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Do retirees get to keep their Exchange or TAMU Gmail mailbox?

Email is one of the computing resources retained upon retirement. A full list of resources is available in our knowledge base. Employees using TAMU Gmail will retain their TAMU Gmail account. Employees using TAMU Exchange will retain their TAMU Exchange account. However, the TAMU Exchange account for retirees is limited to a maximum of 50GB of storage.

Can retirees forward their address to a non-TAMU email account such as Gmail or

Yes. Retirees can visit to update their forwarding settings.

Help Documents

Moving to Exchange

Moving to Gmail

General Help Documents



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Article ID: 520
Thu 5/2/24 10:02 AM
Mon 7/8/24 8:50 AM

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