Learning Management services offer comprehensive support for Canvas, Texas A&M University’s Learning Management System (LMS). Canvas is a secure, centralized system that features grade centers, assignments, quizzes, content management tools, and more. Faculty, academic staff, and students receive support for course design and management, addressing general LMS questions, and providing support for LMS tools.

Services (6)

Course Design

The "Course Design" Service Offering allows requests for Course Content Development, Course Digital Accessibility Review, Pedagogy Best Practices, and creation of course templates.

Course Management

The "Course Management" Service Offering allows for requests regarding duplicate courses, grade submissions, incomplete grades, merging courses, course shells, and request communities.

General LMS Questions

The "General LMS Questions" Service Offering allows for requests regarding user access, course assignments, Canvas best practices, course availability, discussions & groups, grade book support, grades, LMS policies, and quizzes.

LMS Support Membership

The "LMS Support Membership" Service offering allows for requests regarding Academic Liaisons as well as other Canvas liaisons.

LMS Tool Support

The "LMS Tool Support" Service Offering allows for requests requesting tools, support for existing tools, or non-enterprise tool training.

LMS Training

The "LMS Training" Service Offering allows for requests regarding both group and individual training.