Student Information System(SIS) Services helps students, applicants, faculty and staff connect to support for TAMU's Compass SIS and the Howdy portal.

Students, applicants, faculty and staff will be able to submit tickets asking questions and report a problem they are experiencing with Compass of Howdy.

Additionally, Faculty and Staff are able to submit change requests, register for Argos training, and request a process or report be run.

Services (6)

Ask a Question

The "Ask a Question" Service offering allows questions regarding Prospective Students, applicants not yet admitted, admitted applicants, current students, former students, parents/guardians, vendors, visiting scholars, Argos users, academic advisors, faculty, other staff, and student systems employees.

Change Request

The "Change Request" Service Offering allows for requests for changes in Compass regarding academic advisors, faculty, EAS employees, and other staff.

Register for Argos Training

The "Register for Argos Training" Service Offering allows for requests regarding Academic Advisors, Faculty as well as Other staff.

Report a Problem

The "Report a Problem" Service Offering allows incidents to be reported within the Compass or Howdy Portal for prospective students, applicants not yet admitted, admitted applicants, current students, former students, parents & guardians, vendors, visiting scholars, Argos users, academic advisors, faculty, EAS employee, and other staff.

Request UC4 Changes

The "Request UC4 Changes" Service Offering allows for requests regarding alterations in UC4 for Staff, Faculty, and EIS Employees.

Run a Process/Report

The "Run a Process/Report" Service Offering allows for requests of Compass reports to be run for Faculty, Academic Advisors, EIS Employees, or Other staff.